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How She Inspires Me

Marie Curie was the first person to accomplish many things. Her family lost their property and fortunes through patriotic involvements aimed at restoring Poland's independence which condemned Marie and her elder siblings, to a difficult struggle to get ahead in life. She subsisted on her meager resources, keeping herself warm during cold winters by wearing all the clothes she had and she focused so hard on her studies that she sometimes forgot to eat.

Marie studied during the day and tutored during the evening, barely earning her keep, and when she found out that many institutions with higher education wouldn't accept her because she was a woman, she never gave up. Instead, she attended dressed as a man until she was caught, and after that, she found out about the Clandestine Flying University, a Polish patriotic institution of higher learning that admitted women students. Marie Curie is an amazing person who took risks to do research, which improved our technology and our knowledge of radio activity and won 2 Nobel Prizes.